Hi Everyone,
The spring term was wonderful and the children really enjoyed the topics we covered in particular the topic of the Great Outdoors focusing on dinosaurs. The work produced was of a very high standard and as a celebration of the wonderful work we took the children to the Manchester Museum where they met Stan the T Rex saw fossils and learned even more dinosaur facts.
The summer term is now here and our topic is the farm shop and the children are already showing great enthusiasm over foods from around the world, farming and healthy eating.
This half term we have already connected with our pen pals at Audley School in Blackburn and we are very much looking forward to welcoming them to our School for the day. We also have lots of other fun activities planned for the children.
If you need anything at all please feel free to pop in to see me.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Hello Everyone,
All the children have had a wonderful first half term and they are all happy and settled.
Over the last 6 weeks the children have all produced some fantastic work and they have all got very involved in our topic ' Penguins, Possums and Pigs' . They have loved finding out about animals and I am sure you will all be very impressed at Parents evening when you look at the incredible work produced by them all. The children continue to have lots of fun in forest school and our wonderful outdoors.
This half term our topic is 'Fighting fit and Festivals' the curriculum letter is below. Autumn 2 is always a busy time as alongside we will be working on our Nativity performance, we are also having a Diwali day and our annual trip to the panto alongside many other Christmas activities.
If you need any further information or a chat about your child's learning please pop in to see me anytime.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Hello Everyone,
I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter Break and at least we did have some sunshine.
I can hardly believe that we are entering the summer term!
This half term our topic is Wind in the Willows all the details are in the curriculum letter attached. Lots of learning will be taking place outside which the children always love.
The Year 2 children will be having booster sessions in preparation for their SATs in May and the Year 1 children will also be having booster for their phonics screening tests in June.
We are also having a student Teacher in KS1 this term so that will be great.
If you need anything at all please do not hesitate to call into School to see me.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Hello Everyone,
Hope you all having a lovely half term break. Just to let you all know that the topic this half term is 'Green Fingers' the curriculum letter is attached. This half term we will be having lots of fun learning about plants, flowers and trees, lots of our learning will be taking place outside.
If you need any more information please feel free to either pop in to see me or send me an email c.taylor@brennands.lancs.sch.uk
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Happy New Year Everyone,
Just to let you know the children have settled back into school really well and they are all enjoying our new topic 'Family Album'. In English we are currently looking at Paddington and the children are loving these stories last week they produced some wonderful letters to Aunt Lucy in Peru!
I attended the Brilliant Book Awards on Thursday and I cannot wait for you to share these wonderful books at home with your children. We only have a small number of books so as soon as you have read the books please can you return to school.
Your children have now got the homework grid to work on over the next 8 weeks. However, it is up to you how much you choose to complete, as it is more important that you continue to listen to your child read every day and practice spellings.
Forest School continues to run every Thursday and PE is Tuesday and Thursday.
If you need anything at all please feel free to pop in and see me.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Hello Everyone,
Firstly, I would like to welcome you all back, I wanted to get in touch at the end of the week so I could tell you how the first week has gone. It has been a wonderful week in School I have loved hearing all about the children's wonderful adventures over the Summer. Every single child has settled back into the routine of School and they are all excited to learn and are all getting fully involved in all our activities. I have added in our curriculum letter so you can see what we are covering up until half term.
Every Friday I will be adding a blog of the week.
If you have any questions feel free to call in and see me.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Hi Everyone,
Our topic this half term is Dinosaurs and the children have already done some incredible work and even produced their own Non Fiction book on Dinosaurs, I am so impressed by everyone and their enthusiasm. If you would like to pop into the class and see their own book please do.
We have looked at Mary Anning the famous fossil and dinosaur explorer all the children found her discoveries amazing!
Currently the children are working on dinosaur poetry with Miss Clarkson (our student teacher) who is in KS1 till Easter then she will work with children in KS2. I have attached the curriculum letter if you would like to know more about the dinosaur topic.
Thank you
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Welcome to our new term below is the curriculum letter. Our topic this half term is journeys.
Already the children have produced some wonderful poetry based on Robert Louis Stephenson's poem ' The Railway Carriage'. The children really enjoy journeys in particular learning about Explorers and looking at different forms of transport.
In DT the children have already designed vehicles and are excited to make them.
Also this half term we will be taking part in the Brilliant Book Awards again. The texts are delightful with fantastic language, illustrations and two of the books are very current.
I know you will love reading all four books with your child.
Thank you again for your continued support
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Last half term all the children really enjoyed the topic 'animals' and they produced some fantastic work in all areas of the curriculum. Their stories and poems were amazing and the art they produced when we covered Salvador Dali was really wonderful. There are photos below of the lovely displays in school.
The Reception children also really enjoyed all the animal activities planned you can see the wonderful lion heads below.
Next half term our topic is 'light and dark' and I have attached the curriculum letter so you can see the coverage across all areas. We will of course be working on our Christmas Production. Christmas is such a fun and busy time in school so I will give you dates for everything as soon as I have them.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Welcome back to School we have now had our first full week and it has been fantastic .
The children are so engaged and happy it is wonderful to see.
Our topic this half term is animals and we will be linking animals in as many areas of the curriculum as possible. If you would like more information I have attached the curriculum coverage letter below.
Besides all the wonderful learning in school this term I will also be running a gymnastic club on Wednesday after school starting 15th of September 3.30 - 4.30 for Years 1-3 and
I will also be holding a phonics workshop for Reception Parents on Thursday 16th of September from 3.30 - 4.30. However, if any Year 1 Parents feel they would like to attend please join us.
Just a reminder
Spellings - Monday
PE - Monday and Wednesday
Homework - Friday as and when
Forest School - Thursday when stated 1st session is Thursday 16th September.
Thank you for all your support if you need any thing further just pop in to see me.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Over the last half term, the children did some fantastic learning in English as part of our topic Wind in the Willows. We came to school one morning and found wanted posters outside our classroom for Mr Toad. So, we became English detectives and read the story The Wind in the Willows to find out what Mr Toad had done and why the police wanted him. We discovered that Mr Toad was very greedy and stole a car. Thankfully, by the end of the book, he had changed and was a much kinder Toad.
After that, we decided to write our own Wind in the Willows stories. We took a walk down to the village green to see what we could see, hear, smell and touch to help make our writing really exciting. The children came up with some wonderful ideas from Mole being afraid of the water to Rat being unable to stop biting. I am really proud of all their hard work and cannot wait to start our new topic Buckets and Spades after half term.
I hope you are all enjoying the half term sunshine and are getting lots of rest.
Best wishes,
Miss Richards
' Always remember you matter, you're important and you are loved and you bring to this world things no one else can'
Charlie Mackesy
Dear Everyone,
Last term's learning was wonderful and such fun the children enjoyed all the growing activities. We did so much we made cress heads grew bean plants, planted sunflower seeds and planned and made fabulous fruit kebabs.
Next half term our topic is 'Wind in the Willows' and I know the children will have great fun with all the learning planned.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Year 1 Year 2
'ea' metal
sea pedal
dream capital
meat hospital
each animal
read medal
Dear Everyone,
Thank you for coming on zoom, the work is below for tomorrow.
English - Bossy Verbs don't forget to highlight your bossy verbs in your instructions.
Maths - Year 2 Subtracting 2 digit numbers using a number line. If you find it too easy try up to 100!
Year 1 - Working out the difference of towers using a number line.
Remember to keep practising your spellings for Monday and write up your news.
See you on Monday, It's not long now and we will all be together again.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Taylor
Thank you for sharing your cress heads they are all looking amazing. Can you now write a list of instructions showing me how you made your cress head. Think about the order of what you did first, second etc.
In Maths year 1 are working out the difference in lengths
Year 2 - Subtracting using the counting back method.
See you Soon
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Just a quick recap for those of you that did not make the zoom today. We talked about instructions and making sure you have the right equipment before you start.
I would like you to watch Mr Bloom making a cress head on you tube then list all the equipment that he uses.
This week I would like you to follow Mr Bloom and make your own cress head. Please don't forget to take photos and send to me.
Maths - Year 1 measuring with cubes and then measuring using a ruler.
Year 2 - Adding 2 digit numbers by counting on.
Thank you very much
See you all very soon
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
A quick recap for those of you that could not make the zoom today.
We read out our news and looked at our spellings for next week ( see below).
In Maths Year 1 children are measuring objects firstly with cubes then using a ruler.
Year 2 are adding 2 digit numbers together trying not to use a number square !
See you all soon
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Spellings Year 1 Year 2
see camel
tree tunnel
green squirrel
meet travel
week towel
Until Easter we will be doing lots of planting for those of you working at home this week you will need the following :-
A pair of tights
A Small plastic plant pot
Cress or Grass seeds
For those of you working from home the week commencing 1.3.2021
You will need the following:-
A Jam Jar
A broad bean
2 plant pots
A sunflower seed
Dear Everyone,
I hope you have all had a lovely half term, below are the details of the zoom tomorrow. I am going to do this zoom in school, however should the wi-fi not be strong enough I apologise in advance and will see you on Tuesday from home.
In the morning can you all write up your news from your half term and then you can read out to everyone.
I look forward to catching up with you all.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Just a quick recap for those of you that did not make the zoom today.
English - We looked at how we could fix the sentences, so we focused on capital letters, full stops, grammar and spelling. There are more for you to try below.
Then we discussed completing out Cinderella Stories.
Maths - Year 1 Ordering 2 digit numbers to 100 ( Worksheet below)
Year 2 - We had a look at fractions. ( Worksheet below)
Art - Today we have looked at Andy Warhol's Pop Art and this fits so well with our topic.
I would like you to look at the power point then look at the images of the Queen and finally trace the Queen picture and then colour or paint using the Pop Art ideas.
Make the Queen as colourful as you want.
Tomorrow will be the last zoom for a week.
Have a wonderful half term.
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Hope your all okay here is a quick recap for those of you that could not make the zoom or made half the zoom.
Maths - Year 1 we looked at making teen numbers with a 10 and 1s the work is below. Maybe you could practice with a 10p and 1ps.
Year 2 we looked at the symbols < > greater than and less than. The work is below.
English - We discussed our stories so far and looked at setting our stories out into paragraphs. Don't forget your full stops and capital letters!
Well done you all did amazing with your spellings, below are this weeks spellings.
You could try and put each word into a sentence.
See you soon
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Year 1 u_e Year 2
June table
rule apple
rude bottle
use little
tube middle
tune giggle
Dear Everyone,
I have added a little work to do in the morning. We are looking at ordering numbers in maths. In History today we looked at Queen Elizabeth 1st and Queen Victoria. You can watch the power point below and research the Queens using the internet. Let's see what comparisons and differences you can find.
In English we are still working on our Cinder's stories.
If you need anything further please e mail me.
Kind Regards
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Hope your all doing okay, for those of you that could not make the zoom here is a quick recap.
English - We continued to discuss our Cinderella stories. Most of us have completed our character profiles and settings so we are starting to plan our story now.
We looked at the story mountain ( see below) and discussed Cinderella's dilemma of not being able to go to the ball and how the Fairy God Mother helped her. I decided that in my story Cinder Edward would be asked to collect a courgette instead of a pumpkin and my Fairy God Father would turn the courgette into a fast shiny new blue racing car instead of a carriage!
I wonder what amazing ideas you will come up with!
Maths - Year 1 as you are all understanding doubling numbers we looked at halving numbers ( The work is below)
Year 2 - I have given you some multiplication and division problems. These are quite tricky but have a go.
Don't forget to do your news on Monday and I will do the spellings when I see you on Tuesday as there is no zoom on Monday.
Have a fun weekend.
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
I am super impressed with you all this week you all have all made super character profiles for your Cinderella story and now you just need to plan you story settings then we can get started on making our own Cinderella story next week.
You have all worked hard on doubling, multiplication and division. Year 2 keep practising your times tables so you know them off by heart.
I will be doing a zoom tomorrow Friday 5th of January at 2pm as I cannot do a zoom on Monday 8th of January I look forward seeing you tomorrow.
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Todays zoom will be at the usual time of 2pm please use the usual code.
Thank you Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Hope your all enjoying the snow, just to let you know there will still be a zoom today at 2pm.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Monday 1st of February 2021
Dear Everyone,
Thank you to all of you that came on zoom today and for sharing all your weekend news. I cannot wait to see your news and pictures. Also you all did amazing this week with your spellings. Well done
I have added this weeks spellings below
Year 1 o_e spellings
Year 1 and 2 Maths - practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
History - Significant Kings and Queens can you put them in order on the time line.
English - To design and make a wedding invitation for Cinderella and the Prince.
See you soon
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Year 1 o_e Year 2
home race
those ice
woke icy
hope cell
hole city
Thursday 28th January 2021
Dear Everyone,
Thank you for all your hard work this week. I am thrilled with all the work you are sending me and how well you are doing taking part on the zooms.
Below is the work for tomorrow. If you need anything please e mail. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday.
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Dear Everyone,
For those of you that did not make the zoom today here is a recap.
English - We talked about the Cinderella Disney clips that I asked you to watch yesterday and we discussed how Cinderella was feeling at the end of the last clip. Then I read some of Cinderella and we thought of wonderful adjectives to describe how Cinderella felt after the Fairy God Mother had visited her.
The work is attached below.
Maths - We looking at weight and measure
Year 1 - To find items heavier and lighter than a book using balance scales if you have some at home.
Year 2 - To weigh food items at home to the nearest 100 grams.
The work sheets are below
Geography / Art We looked at London and discussed features in London. I would like you to make a fact file of places giving information about them . Then draw the places on black card and place with a sunset wash behind.
Please e mail if you need anything further.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Monday 25th January 2021
Hello Everyone,
Hope you are all doing okay. After your weekend I always love to see your news and you are all so fantastic at recounts I cannnot wait to see what you have all been up to.
Over the next 3 weeks we are going to look at Cinderella in English so I have put some links below for clips I want you to watch before our zoom tomorrow. We are going to start by looking at the Disney version of Cinderella then look at 3 other versions.
In Maths we are doing weighing and measuring so there will be lots of practical activities for you to do at home.
This week the spellings are
Year 1 i-e Year 2
five gem
ride giant
like magic
time giraffe
side energy
It is always good practice to write each word in a sentence.
Thank you
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Thursday 21st January 2021
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for all your hard work this week. You are all doing amazing! I am super proud of each and every one of you.
For those of you that did not make the zoom today we edited some sentences together and then we looked in detail at recounts. We discussed how we can put our sequenced sentences into a full recount with WOW words, speech marks but still using our sequential words. I have put examples below.
Year 1 Maths we looked at adding and subtracting 10 using a 100 square.
Year 2 Maths we worked on subtracting 2 digit numbers using a number line.
If you need anything further please e mail me, Have a lovely weekend.
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Monday 18th January 2021
Thank you for sharing your weekend news with me, you are all doing amazing with your phonics and WOW you all got 5/5 in your spellings that is brilliant.
This weeks spellings are as follows
Year 1 a-e words Year 2
made age
came huge
same change
take charge
safe bulge
You can have a go at putting each word into a sentence.
We also looked at subordinating conjunctions because, if, that, when
I have added the sheet below try and choose the correct conjunction for each sentence.
In Maths Year 1 are looking at money this week, you can practice buying items by making a shop at home and practice counting real money.
The Maths sheets are below for more practice on adding amounts together.
Year 2 are continuing adding 2 digit money. I would like the year 2 to try and add up the amounts without using a 100 square and use the methods I have shown you.
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
I am thrilled to annouce that we are taking part in the Brilliant Book Awards again this year.
All the information is in the Resource Centre on the school website. The 4 books are delightful texts with fantastic language and illustrations. Some of the books may be a little tricky for some of the children depending on their reading level. However, I know that you all with have great fun reading together.
For the book reveal you can watch my video in the Resource Centre.
Enjoy Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Below I have added the work for today.
In Phonics we are looking at alternative oa please read the story 'The Stowaway in a very odd load' and then find all the alternative'oa' sounds.
In English can you finish your Paddington character profiles by adding in Paddington's actions. Think about what Paddington did in the story we looked at.
In Maths Year 1 are adding 3 numbers together, can you try and spot number bonds as this will help you add 3 numbers. In Year 2 I would like you to look at the sums given and work out would you put the sums under the heading number fact or place value. For Example, 35+3 you would put under number fact as you should know 5+3= 8. 27-5 you would put under place value as you would need to work out.
Should you need anything further please e mail.
Kind Regards
Mrs Taylor
I am very sorry but due to the heavy snow I am unable to get home from Slaidburn till later this afternoon so I have no alternative but to cancel the zoom teach at 2pm.
I will rearrange the zoom for Friday.
Should you need anything in the meantime please e mail me.
Dear Everyone,
For those of you that could not make the zoom. Today we looked at alternative 'ie' and split digraph i-e. We then discussed Paddington's personality through looking at Willy Wonka's personality.
In Maths Year 1 are learning about doubles and Year 2 are subtracting a 2 digit number from a single digit number.
I have also added some R.E work I would like you to read through the power point and write a newspaper report on the miracle of Jesus healing a blind man.
Please e mail should you need any support with learning.
Kind Regards
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Below is the work discussed in the zoom for those of you that could not make the zoom today we looked at Character Profiles and I have added an excellent profile of the Gruffalo. I look forward to your highly descriptive Paddington profiles.
In Maths Year 1 are working on number bonds to 9 and Year 2 are adding 2 digit numbers to 1 digit numbers using a 100 square.
Please e mail should you need anything at all.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Hope you have all had a lovely weekend, The work for today is below, I look forward to seeing you all at 2pm on zoom.
Kind Regards
Mrs Taylor
Dear Parents,
Thank you for joining in on the zooms this week and sending all your work to me. There will be no zoom teach tomorrow. I have attached all the work below and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday afternoon.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Taylor
Dear Parents,
Due to my morning teaching commitments for children of key workers . I will be offering zoom learning sessions for those children working at home. The first zoom teach will take place tomorrow at 2pm ( invite below), prior to this lesson your child can look at the powerpoint below and watch the video. Then complete the work on Thursday morning after the teach.
For the first 3 weeks in English this half term we are looking at Paddington Bear.
Below is all the Maths work sheets for this week, please can you only complete the worksheets for the days that your child is at working at home.
I have also added some Geography work for your child to complete.
Should you need anything at all please e mail me.
Kind Regards
Mrs Taylor
Hi Everyone,
Below are the Zog Comprehension sheets for you to complete. In Maths we are still looking at money and I put lots of sheets on yesterday so you have plenty to complete. When learning money it might be a good idea to play shops with your children as when in school we do lots of practical learning.
On Monday we will be going into Church to practice our songs for the Nativity so over the weekend Keep singing! The songs and words are on the website under KS2.
Thank you for all your hard work and support over the last 2 weeks.
See you all on Monday
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Hello Everyone,
Below are the worksheets from our zoom teach today. We are still working on amazing adjectives. I was so pleased in the Zoom teach as all your ideas were fabulous. Well done Everyone.
The Maths worksheets are on Money. There are lots of worksheets in the links below, so you can work through these both today and Friday.
Thank you to each and every one of you for all your hardwork.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Hi Everyone,
Below are your worksheets for today, we are continuing to look at Zog and then we are going to think about how Zog feels throughout the story. The worksheet below is for both Year 1 and 2. In Maths we are revisiting time the work below is to be completed after our zoom teach.
Thank you for sending me all your amazing work.
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Dear Everyone,
Below are your tasks for Maths and English today. We are now looking at Zog so following on from the Zoom Teach I would like Year 2 To think of lots of questions and Year 1 I would like you to think about the story and remember all the things that Zog can now do.
In Maths this week we are going over all the areas covered this term. Today we have revisited 3d shapes. So I have set you a challenging sheet to complete.
Thank you
Kind Regards
Mrs Taylor
Spellings for Year 1 and 2
Year 1 Year 2
boy any
enjoy many
toy Mr
annoy Mrs
Dear Everyone,
I have put the work below to follow the Zooms both in English and Maths and also the work is available for Monday 30 .11.2020 after the Zoom teach.
Thank you for all your hard work this week, you have all been wonderful and made fantastic contributions.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Taylor
Dear Parents,
Following our Zoom Teach over the next 2 days we will be researching castles. I have added an information sheet on Warwick Castle that you can read together. I would like your child to find some facts on a castle of choice. Maybe they could investigate Clitheroe or Skipton Castle.
The Maths worksheets are below.
Yr 1 To only complete Page 5 from the booklet
Yr 2 To complete pages 7,8,11 and 12
Thank you
Kind Regards
Mrs Taylor
Dear Parents,
Following on from our zoom teach this morning below are your Maths worksheets for today and two power points on castles and information about parts of a castle.
I am very much looking forward to seeing your labelled castles and Year 2 I would like some information about your labels.
Please E mail your finished castles to me.
See you soon
Best Wishes Mrs Taylor
Forest School
The children have loved being back in the forest school. This week they have been learning about fire and being safe. Thank you Mrs Murray.
Friday 3rd July 2020
Hello Everyone,
Hope your all doing okay, I have decided to make the zoom meeting today our last of this school year as from the 13th of July we will have all the Year 1 and 2 children back in school. It will be wonderful to have everyone together even if it is only for a week before we break for the summer holidays.
For the Year 2 children that are working at home I have added the English and Maths plans (see below).
If you need anything at all please send me an e mail.
Have a lovely weekend
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Friday 26th June 2020
Dear Everyone,
Hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful sunshine. Thank you for taking part in the zoom meeting today. For the children that didn't manage the meeting we talked about sea shanties ( the powerpoint is below) and this week I would like you to make your own sea shanty in the version of 'What shall we do with a grumpy pirate ?'.
I have also added this weeks English and Maths below.
Next week will be the last zoom of this school year so I do hope you can all join in.
Take Care
Keep Smiling
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Thank you so much to the Waddington family as they have been looking after Apple and Blueberry our school budgies for many weeks now, we are all very grateful.
Thank you also to Anita King for weeding and sorting out the front school garden it looks fabulous.
This week Mrs Bebb bought the children a bubble pond as you can see the children had great fun. Thank you what a lovely gesture.
Friday 19th of June 2020
Hi Everyone,
Hope you have all had a lovely week.We have all been working hard both at home and in school on our Pirate Stories. I have added our treasure maps to this page and next week I will add our stories when we all have completed them. So far your story writing is fabulous, so well done everyone.
For the children working at home I have put a powerpoint below of famous pirates to get you started when fact finding about real pirates. I cannnot wait to hear your facts in our zoom next Friday afternoon.
The Maths for those working at home is white rose maths we are on week 9. I have added video links and worksheets below.
If you need anything at all please send me an email.
Best Wishes
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Friday 12th June 2020
Hello Everyone,
Hope you have all had a good week. This week has been so lovely seeing some of the children return to school. Thank you to all the children who are still at home for working hard and joining on the zoom it is always great to catchup with everyone.
In the zoom I read 'Pirate Pete' and we talked about making a treasure map and then writing our own pirate story below are some resources to help you with your story writing. Please send me your finished story or be ready next Friday afternoon to read it out to me on zoom ( Zoom information is below)
The English and Maths work is for Year 2 only as all the Year 1 children will be back in school next week.
If you need anything at all please drop me an e mail.
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
Friday 5th of June 2020
Hello Everyone,
Firstly I would like to congratulate Kyra on the arrival of her beautiful sister Nylah, she is adorable, it was lovely to meet you. Secondly I would like to thank Jack who has looked after our school budgies Apple and Blueberry.
Thank you to everyone who came to the zoom meeting today. We learned about life on board a pirate ship and the children thought about the good and not so good things about life on a pirate ship. I then talked about Famous Pirate flags and this week I have asked everyone to design a pirate flag. The powerpoint below might give you some ideas.
Next week many of you are coming back to school and I am very much looking forward to seeing you. For those of you that are not coming back just yet the work is below.
English in Year 1 is Mr Men and Little Miss you will be learning all about how Mr Men was created and then creating your own Mr Strong story. English in Year 2 is all about Oliver Jeffers. These books are very entertaining and I am sure you will enjoy them.
Maths in Year 1 is ordering and comparing numbers and Year 2 Maths is position and direction.
As I will be in school all week I have had to make the zoom meeting at 2pm on Friday 12th of June instead of 10am, I want to make sure the children not in school see me every week.
If you need anything at all please continue to e mail.
Have a lovely week
Keep Smiling
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Monday 1st of June
Hello Everyone,
Hope you all have had a fabulous half term in this beautiful sunshine. Thank you again for all the e mails and photos you have sent me. I love seeing all the fun things you have been doing. For those of you that didn't make the zoom meeting I introduced our new topic 'Pirates and the Sea'. We talked about what we knew about Pirates and what we would like to find out this term.
I read the story the Pirate Cruncher by the same author as Pirates Next Door then the children took part in a fact and myth pirate quiz. The quiz and answers are below if you would like to have a go. The children found out lots of interesting facts and recalled them back. This week I have asked the children to research Pirate Blackbeard ( Edward Teach) and send me their facts.
I have also put links below for English and Maths, Year 1 are to work on the Jolly Postman that is if you decided to do last weeks English otherwise please complete last weeks as Under the Sea fits our topic better. In Year 2 your English is Be Happy, Be Brave and Be Kind. There are some inspiring stories in this work with key messages. I am sure you will all enjoy. The Maths links are below Year 1 are grouping, sharing and doubling and Year 2 are working on 2d and 3d shapes this week.
Keep in touch and I will see you all next week on zoom.
Enjoy the Sunshine and Keep Smiling
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Tuesday 26th May
Hello Everyone,
Hope your all doing okay, thank you for sharing all your learning by e mail and photos. It is wonderful to see how everyone's seedlings are growing every week on zoom. This week Lauren shared her exciting news, 2 chicks have hatched! Thank you for showing us your chicks.
In Zoom this week I read the 'Tiger who came for Tea' by Judith Kerr and the children did a verbal comprehension quiz. Well done to Freya and Bradley who both scored 10/10 !
We talked about alliteration and we thought about titles for our own story. We came up with the Snake who came for Supper, The Dragon who came for Dinner, The Bear who came for Breakfast. I cannot wait to read your stories next week.
Maths - We are still following White Rose plans ( the link is below) we are now on week 7.The worksheets are below for both Year 1 and 2.
English - Year 1 are starting the Unit Under the Sea, Year 2 are on part 2 of Amazing Birds.
This coming week is half term so please feel free to have a relaxed approach to learning as the children would not normally be doing school work.
Have lots of fun
Keep Smiling
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Monday 18th May
Hello Everyone,
Hope you are all doing okay.Thank you for all the work you are doing at home and for sharing your work with me. The zoom meeting was wonderful this week we all showed our seedlings to each other, you all seem to have green fingers well done everyone!
For those that did not make the meeting I read the 'Little Red Hen' and we talked about working hard and helping each other. Then I made bread in 5 different designs. This week maybe you could make some bread and try the designs I showed you and then write a letter from the dog cat or mouse.
Your Maths and English links are below. In Maths we are continuing with White Rose, the daily plans and worksheets are below. In English Year 1 children are looking at 'Rumble in the Jungle' and 'The Ugly Five' both of these texts are familiar to the children. The books are on line and there are links through the book trust. Year 2 are looking at 'Amazing Birds' there are links below to love reading and the RSPB.
You are all doing an amazing job
Keep Smiling
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Monday 11th May
Hello Everyone,
It was lovely to see everyone this morning on Zoom, so good to catch up with you all.
Thank you for all the wonderful work and activites you are doing at home. It is just fantastic.
I have shared some of your work and photos. Thank you also for updating me and sending e mails and letters. I love to see what you have all been doing at home.
In the Zoom meeting I talked about the Eatwell plate, so this week Year 2 I would like you to make an 'eat well plate' and Year 1 I would like you to pack a healthy lunch box. The links are below, you could make a real eatwel meal or pack a real lunch box and send me a photo. That would be amazing!
Yr 1 English ' Bunnies' and this week is poems and songs. I have looked over the plans and I know you will enjoy the story on the you tube link.
Yr 2 English 'Horrid Henry' There are many texts for you to enjoy on the love reading links and there are animated versions on the you tube links.
We are still following the White Rose link below and you can follow the teaching on White Rose, just choose the week and your child's year group. However, you need to get the activities and worksheets from the documents below.
Have a lovely weekend I understand many of you are celebrating VE day at home.
Have fun, keep smiling
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Monday 4th May
Hope your all doing okay, It was lovely to see so many of you on zoom today. I always feel so happy after seeing you all. For those of you that did not make the meeting this week we read 'Olivers Vegatables' and I planted some chilli, tomato and pepper seeds. We discussed what we need to do to look after our seeds so this week I would like you to try and plant some seeds and then every week fill in your growing diary. I have added a powerpoint 'Field to Fork' which I am sure you will find interesting.
On Friday 8th of May it is VE day so I have included a powerpoint and comprehension for you to do also there are some wartime recipes that you might want to read and even try!
Below is the White Rose link select your year group and the week commencing May 4th and follow the daily plans. This week I would also like you all to practice your times tables.
There are times table booklets below. Only Year 2 need to attempt the 3 times table booklet.
Year 1 will be doing work featuring the 'Highway Rat" by Julia Donaldson, there are links to bbc.co.uk animation film so you do not need the book. The children will know this story as we have read it many times in class.
Year 2 will be doing work on recipes this fits in well with our topic. The Year 2 children will be writing instructions.
Below are word lists for Year 1 and 2 and word activity booklets for your child to work through.
I am at Waddington and West Bradford School next week and I am hoping to do the next zoom meeting on Thursday 7th of May but will let you know exact time and date early next week.
Have a lovely week
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Monday 27th April 2020
Hello Everyone,
Hope your all well thank you so much for the wonderful video you sent this week it really was the highlight of my week. It made me so happy to see all of you smiling.
Thank you also for your wonderful gingerbread and robot creations. I hope I have managed to put all your pictures on. They were all fabulous so well done everyone.
Thank you also to all of you that managed to join our third zoom meeting. For those that could not make it this week it was all about food from around the world and your challenge this week is to watch the power point and fill out a food journal ( see below) also log on to the foodmiles.com website researching food in your home.You can use the website to find out how far your food has travelled and then see if the food can be grown in the UK. I was amazed when I used this website. You can also use a world map or globe to locate different countries.
Year 1 English tasks this week is all about pets which I am sure you will enjoy.
Year 2 English tasks this week is Roald Dahl Poetry.
Both sets of plans have links set up to youtube and the Oxford Owl
White Rose Maths follow the link further down this page choose your year group and then the week commencing the 27th of April.
I look forward to seeing you all at the end of the week in our zoom meeting, which I am hoping to do from my garden if the weather lasts.
Have a lovely week and if there is anything you need please e mail.
Miss you all
Best Wishes
Keep Smiling
Mrs Taylor
CREST science star/superstar awards.
One of the last things we did before school closed was British Science Week. We were using events arranged during the week to work towards our CREST award. Well CREST have now launched home learning packs and they are full of lovely ideas that you can be getting on with at home. Keep a record of what you complete and I will sort out the awards when we get back to school (because we all love a badge and certificate).
Mrs Murray
Monday 20th April
Following the wonderful zoom meeting on Friday I have decided that I am going to do a Zoom every week. This week the meeting will take place on Friday 24th of April at 10 am the link is below. Try and find a quiet area of your home and have a pen and paper ready as there will be tasks for you to complete.
I have also put links below for tasks to be completed this week.
Literacy work below is from Lancashire. Year 1 is Hairy McClary which the children are familiar with. Year 2 is Julia Donaldson who is a firm favourite. The work does not require books as the work links to the Love Reading and Oxford Owl websites.
Maths work is on the White Rose hub ( link further down this page) If you click on the White Rose Hub and find your year group and start the week commencing 20th April Summer 1.
I have also added some maths summer activity packs that I thought looked fun.
School Sports Partnerhip have sent through move, challenge, play and learn ideas for this week. The links take you directly to websites and they look great fun.
Hope your all getting on well with your gingerbread or recycled robots. I cannot wait to see your creations and I am looking forward to catching up with you all again this friday.
Have a lovely week enjoy the sunshine.
Miss you all
Best wishes
Mrs Taylor
Friday April 17th 2020
Thankyou to all of you that managed to get on to our zoom meeting this morning. It was wonderful to see you all. Thank you for all your fabulous letters, photos and e mails.
This is a recap for those that did not make the zoom meeting. I explained that our next topic will be 'The Farm Shop' so over the next few weeks we will be looking at food. More will be explained in our curriculum letter next week.
In the zoom meeting I made gingerbread men and whilst I was baking I asked the children to listen out for bossy verbs and write them down. All the bossy verbs are now underlined in the recipe below. All the children did fabulous and wrote down so many so well done.
I then read the story of the Gingerbread Man to the children and we discussed the different ending in this story.
This week I would like you all to have a go at reading the recipe, following and making some gingerbread men. I know that flour can be difficult to get hold of so I suggested that you could make a robot out of all your recycling as I am sure you all have lots of boxes and cartons! Once you have made your gingerbread men I would love to see a photo before you eat them. Then can you write a story about your Gingerbread Man or your Recycled Robot and the journey he makes. You can either e mail the story or send them to Waddington and West Bradford School.
I will be in Waddington School next week so the next zoom meeting will be the week commencing the 27th of April. You are all doing an amazing job of learning at home.I am so proud of you all.
Miss you
Best Wishes
Mrs Taylor
Thank you to all the children that managed to get on to our Zoom meeting this morning it was lovely to see all your faces. I miss you so much.
I am in Waddington next week but the week commencing the 13th of April I will arrange another Zoom meeting. This one will be a little more formal and so have paper and pens at the ready.
If any of you would like to write me a letter and pop it in the post I will write back to every letter I receive. Please send to Waddington and West Bradford CE Primary School
West Bradford Road
Year 1
I have added some Year 1 comprehension tasks they are all dinosaur linked so I am sure you will enjoy.
Year 2
I would like you to write a story called the Dinosaur egg.
If you watch the you tube clip called 'Dinosaur the egg travels' then your story starter can be that you find an egg. It could be in your back garden, your village or on the river bank. Imagine the possiblities of what could happen when the egg hatches !
I have added some resources that you might find useful when planning your story.
Keep in touch
Miss you all
Mrs Taylor
Maths work for week 2
Click on your year group
This is a fabulous interactive resource it gives you lots of information.
You can print off the slides you want to do then work through them at your own pace.
Hello Everyone,
Hope your all okay. I am sure you have all been working hard with the tasks in your home learning packs. I have really enjoyed all the photos and your e mails so thank you for sending them to me.
As our current topic is dinosaurs I thought it might be fun to find out as many facts as we can about out favourite dino. So this week if you research a dinosaur of your choice and make a fact file that would be amazing. There are so many fantastic books on dinosaurs on the accelerated reading link. You can also look on the internet for facts.
Have fun fact finding.
I am also available to chat to on Zoom Wednesday 1st of April 2020 at 10am.
Look forward to catching up with you all.
Keep in touch missing you all
Mrs Taylor
Our Class
The children are taught in a mixed age class. In Key Stage 1; Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are taught together for some lessons. The Reception children work in their own year group during Maths and Literacy lessons and the Year 1 and Year 2 children are taught together. This can be a very positive experience and mixed age classes have many benefits. It gives the teacher the opportunity to meet individual needs regardless of their year group. There is class stability and continuity making transition in year groups easier.
Our chosen themed topic runs through the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. We endeavour to make our classroom interesting and motivating, utilising the indoor and outdoor environment. We embrace learning outside the classroom and plan outdoor learning into many of our lessons.
We have been learning all about owls in literacy, so today in science we dissected owl pellets. Our owl pellets were from barn owls. After examining them under magnifying glasses, we carefully pulled them apart. Inside them we found remains of fur and plenty of small bones. We quickly learnt how to identify jaw bones and skulls.
Science October 2019
Today in science KS1 were joined by preschool and reception. They shared their ideas about why so many wild and wonderful animals have special patterns on them. After wrapping up warm, we took our science lesson outside. The children a range of cardboard animals that they needed to hide around the school grounds. They decided that the best way to do this was to camouflage them and thought carefully about the colours they should use.