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Pre-School and Reception

Welcome to Pre-School and Reception!

Our EYFS provision

' Always remember you matter, you're important and you are loved, and you bring to this world things no one else can'

Charlie Mackesy


Hello everyone, 

What a great first half term the children have had in EYFS. Both reception and Pre School have settled well and are creating strong relationships with the other children and myself. Its been so lovely to have a bustling busy classroom filled with chitter chatter and giggles! Last term the children in EYFS have enjoyed learning about an array of animals and their habbitats. The children are enjoying their daily phonics sessions and I am looking foward to you  parents seeing your children's learning journeys at parents evening. Our stay and play sessions continue to thrive and its been great seeing so many new faces. Thankyou to parents for your continued support, our stay and play sessions will continue to have a weekly theme the first being bonfire night. This half term is exciting as we learn about different festivals and keeping our bodies healthy. Here attached is the curriculum letter for the upcoming half term. If you need to dicuss your child's learning at anytime we have an open door policy and please feel free to speak to myself or Mrs Taylor when needed. 

Thanks Mrs Broadley


Stay and play sessions

Thankyou to everyone who has attended one of our baby or stay and play sessions so far this term. Its been great to see so many children in our EYFS provision and it has been lovely getting to know the children and their parents so far. 

Over the last couple of weeks I've taken so many great photos of the children and the provision so here they are for you to enjoy!

Thankyou to all for your continued support.

Miss Ormerod 

Snuggle and Play sessions

Happy New Year Everyone, 

The children have settled back into school wonderfully and they are really enjoying our topic 'Ourselves' and 'Our Family'. 

The Stay and Play sessions on Thursday from 10-12 have been a huge success and it is fantastic to have so many children now joining us. 

We have also started snuggle and sing on Tuesday from 9.30- 10.30 and this has also been another great addition.

Children are more than welcome to stay for lunch on Thursdays and take part in our Forest School sessions in the afternoon.

If you have any questions about the sessions please ring, e mail or pop in to see myself or Miss Ormerod. 

Best Wishes 

Mrs Taylor & Miss Ormerod

Blog Week 4

Weekly Blog - Week 3

Weekly Blog - Week 2

Weekly Blog- Week 1

Our Curriculum Letter Spring 1

Early Years Foundation Stage

We pride ourselves on providing a safe, happy, fun environment in which our children can learn. We use a positive teaching style, encouraging children to be polite, listen carefully, share and develop a caring attitude towards others.  We work with children primarily on their personal, social and emotional development as once this is in place the others areas of learning will follow.  This supports our mission statement and ethos,and runs through the whole school.  The caring attitudes of all the pupils, towards the youngest are a particular strength. We are very proud of our school environment, which is based around a strong a friendly, caring, family atmosphere with a strong sense of community. 

Here at Brennand's Endowed School we offer pre-school children an opportunity to develop skills they may have already learned at home or in another setting alongside our Reception class.  Children are welcome to attend Pre-School for whole school days or can choose to join us for morning or afternoon sessions.   At Brennand's we find that children who attend pre-school have excellent personal, social and emotional skills, and that when they start in Reception they are settled, happy, confident children that are ready to learn. 


The classroom is a bright, vibrant and happy environment where pupils learn through hands on, practical experiences as well as the more formal table time.

EYFS canopy room

Mrs Milne-Redhead opened our canopy room for us on Friday 15th November 2013. The room is primarily used for Foundation Stage children, but the whole school take advantage of this beautiful addition to the school building.


We are fortunate to have a wonderful outdoor space. We have use of three outdoor areas which the children can access throughout their sessions.


We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

The principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage are grouped into four themes:-

A Unique Child- every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable and self assured. 

Positive Relationships- children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.

Enabling Environments- the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children's development and learning

Learning and Development- children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected.

There are 7 areas of learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage are

Communication and Language; Physical Development; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; and Expressive Arts and Design. 

For more information about our Foundation Stage request our Reception Welcome Pack or you could make an appointment to visit our setting. 

Information for Parents

Learning Resources

  • The Numtums Join in with the Numtums and learn about numbers from 1 to 10.

  • Alphablocks Play along with the Alphablocks and have fun with the letters of the alphabet.