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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

In accordance with the Education Act of 2012 all governing bodies were obliged to re-constitute their existing model of governance. The governing body adopted a 14 Governor Model.

As Brennands Endowed Primary School is a voluntary aided (VA) Church of England school, the Foundation Governors must outnumber the rest of the governing body by at least two members.  Foundation Governors are put forward by the parochial church council of St Andrews church and confirmed by the Diocese of Leeds, and their remit is to ensure that a religious ethos is promoted within the school.

All governors are volunteers who bring  a wide variety of skills, expertise and experience to their roles as you will see from the governor profiles. They do not pretend to be experts in what is very much a 'minefield' of jargon and legislation but there is a strong commitment to serve the interests of the school in the best way possible.

Our Foundation Governors are: 

  • Claire Cowking (Chair)
  • Anita McEntyre (Vice-chair)
  • Joanne Breaks 
  • Clare Hardcastle
  • Thomas Robinson
  • Chrissie Brooks

The School is represented by:-

  • Sarah White (Headteacher)
  • Cathy Taylor (Co-opted staff governor)

All governors serve for four years and can be re-elected.

The positions of Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually at the Autumn meeting of the governing body.

The Work of the Governing Body

Unlike community and voluntary controlled schools, where the Local Authority is the employer of staff, in a VA school the governing body takes on that responsibility. The overall responsibility for staffing matters includes decisions about the number of staff (both teaching and non teaching).  In reality the decisions about staff appointments outside the leadership group are delegated to the Headteacher with some input from the Chair or staffing committee members. The appointment of the Headteacher is a full governing body responsibility. The full governing body meets three times per year in Autumn, Spring and Summer and the minutes of those meetings are available for inspection at the school. The agenda covers many issues of educational policy that governors have to familiarise themselves with and to incorporate within the school. We employ the services of a very able Clerk from Governor Services who is a valuable interpreter of 'jargon' and protocol that enables us to carry out our duties effectively.

In addition there are a number of sub-committees with delegated responsibilities, as listed below. Some of these, most significantly the Resources Committee and the Standards and Effectiveness Committee, meet on a regular basis and have a set membership. Others, such as the various appeals committees, meet and are appointed on an ad hoc basis to ensure that relevant governors are performing their roles unaffected by prior knowledge or involvement.

The current Governor Committees are:-

  • Resources
  • Standards and Effectiveness
  • Appeals Committee (Staffing Matters)
  • Complaint Review Committee
  • Discipline and Dismissal Committee
  • Discipline and Dismissal Appeals Committee
  • Joint Collaboration Committee
  • Pay Committee
  • Pay Appeals Committee
  • Pupil Discipline Committee 
  • Staffing Review/Redundancy Committee
  • Committee of Appointed Governors (HT Performance Management) 
  • Grievance Appeals Committee

Governor Roles

As well as being members of the various sub-committees some governors have an area of special responsibility

Contact with the Governing Body

Governors work as a corporate body irrespective of the group that has elected them; therefore there is a correct procedure that should be followed about issues that are put before the governing body. If it is a school issue, depending on the nature, it follows a clearly defined line of class teacher, Assistant Head, and Headteacher. Governor issues must always be in writing to the Chair of Governors and not through individual governors. The Chair then makes the decision about the next step in dealing with the issue, which may be such that the rest of the governing body cannot be involved at this stage and could be compromised at a later date.

It can be confusing, especially for parents who see the Parent Governor as their line of contact.  In reality they have merely voted to have a representative member on the governing body in the same way that teachers, non teachers and parochial church councils do.

Agendas at full governing body meetings are decided at least two weeks beforehand and do not have 'Any other Business', therefore any item that needs to be added must be sent to the Chair in good time.

Foundation Governors

Chairman - Mr Edward Ireland - Parish Council

Vice Chairman - Mr Geordie Parker - Parish Council

Treasurer - Mrs Eileen Lewis - Co-opted

Headteacher - Mrs Sarah Healey - Co-opted

Post Vacant - Vicar

Mrs Mary Beattie - Church Warden

Mr Alan Carr - Church Warden

Ms Diane Rawsthorne - Parish Council

Mr Harvey Robinson - Co-opted

Mr David Taylor - Co-opted

Full Governing Body

Mrs Claire Cowking                      LEA Governor (Chair)     

Mrs Joanne Breaks                      Foundation Governor

Mrs Chrissie Brooks                     Foundation Governor                

Mrs Clare Hardcastle                   Foundation Governor

Vacant                                          Foundation Governor

Mr Thomas Robinson                   Parent Governor

Mrs Sarah White                          Headteacher

Mrs Cathy Taylor                          Teacher Governor

Mrs Anita McEntyre                       Foundation Governor

Vacant                                           Foundation Governor

SEC Committee

Mrs Chrissie Brooks  (Chair)  

Mrs Joanne Breaks                  

Mrs Cathy Taylor                           

Mrs Sarah White (HT)

Mrs Claire Cowking

Mrs Anita McEntyre

Mrs Clare Hardcastle

Resources Committee

Mrs Joanne Breaks

Mrs Sarah White (HT)

Mr Thomas Robinson

Mrs Chrissie Brooks

Mrs Clare Hardcastle

Link Governors

Governor for Safe-gaurding and SEND: Mrs Claire Cowking

Governor for EYFS: Mrs Joanne Breaks

Governors for KS1, Link & Training: Mrs Chrissie Brooks

Governor for Lower KS2: Mrs Anita McEntyre 

Governor for Upper KS2, RE and Worship: Mrs Clare Hardcastle 

Governors for Curriculum: Whole Governing Body

Governor's Register of Interests

Attendance at governor meetings for the academic year 2023-2024






Full Governors
Autumn 2023

Sarah White

Cathy Taylor

Clare Hardcastle

Anita McEntyre

Claire Cowking

Thomas Robinson

Sarah White

Cathy Taylor

Clare Hardcastle

Anita McEntyre

Claire Cowking

Thomas Robinson

Sarah White

Cathy Taylor

Clare Hardcastle

Anita McEntyre

Claire Cowking

Thomas Robinson

Spring 2024

Sarah White

Cathy Taylor

Clare Hardcastle

Anita McEntyre

Claire Cowking

Thomas Robinson

Sarah Walker

Christine Seward

Sarah White

Cathy Taylor

Clare Hardcastle

Anita McEntyre

Claire Cowking

Thomas Robinson

Sarah Walker

Christine Seward

Sarah White

Cathy Taylor

Clare Hardcastle

Anita McEntyre

Claire Cowking

Sarah Walker - apologies

Christine Seward

Thomas Robinson - apologies

Summer 2024